My product is the product of Dr Pepper which is a popular drink which was founded in America, Texas in 2008. It has since become one of the most popular drinks in the world behind the most common drink of Coke. My advert will most likely appear in restaurants like; Mcdonalds, KFC, Subway ETC. It will be successful because of the promises that the poster presents like the spring and natural water in the photo. This will draw people in because of the natural springs in the drink and the environmental factors. The original slogan has been used from when the drink was first around which shows its originality and gives it an edge to other competitors in the market with its originality and going back to the roots of the company. By putting the poster in Fast-Food it will increase sales because of the popularity of those companies and it will provoke people to spread the word of the product. The two slogans that I have used is an original slogan from when the company was made and a new and original one that was made for this specific advert. The original slogan that was used by the company I have chosen to put in because it is a representation of their company and it will help bring the customers in by using a well-known slogan. The other slogan that I made is used to represent the poster because of the hand reaching down from the sky is supposed to be a god reaching for his 'favourite' drink. My target audience would be teens and young adults because they are more likely to pick up a soft drink at a fast food restaurant and because if we aimed it at children it might be a lost cause because some younger children are not allowed to drink fizzy drinks. I have taken an inspiration from the water industries by using the mountains and fresh water to appeal the audience like Evian and Buxton water.
I have laid out the advert in a way to make it seem like a God has laid down his cup of Dr Pepper on a mountain for a believable size God. The hand in the advert is at a believable scale to a person and could be perceived by a person to be a God's hand. I have used different colours but have used the specific colours of the Dr Pepper brand with the maroon and white. I have also duplicated the cup to seem like you can see the reflection in the water. The 'AHHHH' in the top right is used to represent the God saying it and I have used a cloud font to show this. The cultural message that i have used are the references to the Gods.
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