Comparing the additional comment
Comparing the additional comment
They both have similarities in each of the newspapers from the small masthead at the top of the editorial comment, they are both usually based on the current affairs of that month/week. The tones of the two pieces are very similar by trying to show authority and to also persuade the reader into agreeing with the view on the current affair. they both have column style with it all being text based and having no images to represent what they are talking about or giving their opinion on. In the articles they usually have two to three different stories to give their opinion on.
They do also have differences of course. The most obvious difference between the two is that they are very different opinions or they just talk about different thing to appeal to their target audience. But the guardian has a longer opinion because they are allowed more space (half a page), where as the Daily Mail is restricted to a small column which also restricts how much they can write on a subject. This means that the Daily Mail has to shorten their story down to only the key elements of the story. The Guardian's freedom allows them to add more detail into their editorial comment and allows the writer to express their view in vivid detail. The Guardian's view of their opinion is a more serious approach taking everything into account and being fair in their judgement whereas the Daily Mail takes a more light-hearted approach by using jokes and puns in their editorial comment. The Guardian in their editorial comment uses a higher levels of vocabulary.
Uses and Gratifications theory:
Uses and Gratifications theory:
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