Minecraft Essay

Minecraft has gone away from traditional marketing. Other competitors usually go with commercial backing of mainstream media but Minecraft relied on the mouth of the word to spread to gain popularity. But it wasn't just word of mouth that helped it gain popularity, it also allows cultural impact. It allows users to Mod (modify) the game and shares it on many different platforms (digital convergence). Digital Convergence allows them to share on different media platforms, meaning its more accessible to users.

Minecraft has become popular, that other types of media have used the game in things like shows (South Park, Rick and Morty and The Simpsons). This benefits Minecraft by heightening exposure to the audiences and heightening publicity. Lego another bug games corporation has been compared to have created a Minecraft Lego set, meaning that fans won't just have a virtual copy of Minecraft but they can own physical products giving more access to users/fans of the game.

Minecraft has also done other collaborations like with Jinx, an online game merchandise store. They used Jinx to sell Minecraft clothing, pickaxes and toys from the game. They also have collaborated with Egmont group, a children's publisher to create Minecraft books, annuals and magazines. They also appeal to other audiences like the film industry. They are said to have a Minecraft film coming out in 2019 and is predicted to have large commercial success, showing that Minecraft is a unique and popular game that appeals to all audiences.

Because of the success of Minecraft, they also have a Minecraft convention annually, Minecon. This is hosted by Mojang but overseen by their buyers, Microsoft. They have a 90-minute live stream for people that do not attend the event but most people will go to these conventions. The popularity of Minecraft has led it to popular areans like Boston and the O2.

Minecraft could link to Jenkins fandom and participatory culture because Minecraft has a certain community in which fans cannot only play the game but produce content on different platforms and distribute it to gain a following like the famous YouTubers Ali-A and Syndicate.


  1. Always include the question when publishing your work to your blog. While you have shown some good knowledge about the product's appeal to audience, you may need to look again at the question, which asked you to focus on how the game was marketed effectively.


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